Moomins on the Riviera, the first animated feature film based on Tove Jansson’s original comic strips, has been chosen to compete at the New York International Children’s Film Festival in the Feature Film category. The Oscar-qualifying NYICFF is the most significant film festival for children and teens in the US. The festival will be held in March 2015 in Manhattan. Click here to find out more info about the festival and the Moomins on the Riviera screening on March 14th.
Moomins on the Riviera recently premiered in Switzerland, and in France with nearly 100 copies. Next week the film will premier in Japan with well over 100 copies. The premieres in the UK and Ireland will be in May with 250 copies. Australia and New Zealand will receive Moomins on the Riviera in September 2015. The film has been sold to over 40 countries.